Acné – 1950

Acne Vulgaris – 1950 [Modern concepts and treatments of acne]. BASSET A. Concours Med. 1950 Nov 18;72(46):3523-5. Undetermined Language. [Treatment of juvenile acne]. ROGER C. Bull Soc Fr Dermatol Syphiligr. 1950 Nov-Dec;57(5):594-5. Undetermined Language. Aureomycin ointment in acne varioliformis. HOWELL JB. AMA Arch Derm Syphilol. 1950 Nov;62(5):705-6. Role of parenteral multivitamin therapy in the treatment…

Acné – 1949

Acne Vulgaris – 1949 The management of acne in general practice. JOLLY HW Jr, KOPFLER ME. New Orleans Med Surg J. 1949 Dec;102(6):312-8. The acne problem. ROBINSON HM. South Med J. 1949 Dec;42(12):1050-60, illust. Vitamin A in acne vulgaris. COMBES FC, SAPERSTEIN RB, DISTELHEIM I. Med Times. 1949 Oct;77(10):473-5. Prescription writing for patients with acne.…

Acné – 1948

Acne Vulgaris – 1948 Acne neonatorum; report of acne vulgaris in two infants. PERLMAN HH. J Pediatr. 1948 Nov;33(11):609-13. Acne vulgaris. KLEIN SA. J Med Soc N J. 1948 Oct;45(10):498. Oral iodine therapy in acne vulgaris; failure of iodine, or the equivalent of iodized salt, to produce pustular exacerbations. GAUL LE, UNDERWOOD GB. Arch Derm…

Acné – 1947

The endocrine pathogenesis and treatment of acne vulgaris. GOLDZIEHER MA. Med World (New York). 1947 Dec;160(12):725-7. Acne vulgaris. SUTTON RL Jr. J Kans Med Soc. 1947 Dec;48(12):545-50. Comedos localized in the temporozygomatic area. DOUCAS C. Arch Dermatol Syph. 1947 Sep;56(3):376-8. Acne vulgaris. BOLAM RM. Univ Durh Med Gaz. 1947 Sep;1(11):398-400. Acne vulgaris in adolescence. HAZEL…

Acné – 1946

Acne vulgaris and its treatment. MITCHELL-HEGGS GB. Practitioner. 1946 Nov;157(941):379-83. The incidence of clinical acne in men. FORBES HA. Br J Dermatol Syph. 1946 Nov-Dec;58(11-12):298-300. Results in acne vulgaris; when causal factors are treated synchronously. BAIRD KA. Clinics. 1946 Oct;5(3):754-62. Acne conglobata? WALLACE HJ. Proc R Soc Med. 1946 Sep;39(11):681. The modern treatment of acne.…