Europe – Pays d’où proviennent les visites (01-08.2010)

The Global Dermatology Information Portal has been visited in the following countries: Albania Austria Belarus Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Jersey Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Ukraine…

Coup de soleil (érythème solaire)(insolation)(pour les professionnels)

Although prevention is better than cure, there are chances that you or someone around will get sunburnt. It is more likely in the summer months, when in high altitude, when increasing outdoor activities, when on far-away holidays, and when indulging in sun-seeking behaviour (e.g. sunbathing). In acute sunburn (erythema, pain, edema, desquamation, bullae) Always keep…

Monde – Villes d’où proviennent les visites (01-08.2010)

The Global Dermatology Information Portal has been visited in the following cities: A Aarschot Aberdeen Abidjan AbuDhabi Abuja Accra ActonVale Adapazari Addison Adelaide Adger AdisAbeba Adliswil Agadir Agen Agincourt Aiken Aix-en-Provence Ajaccio Akron Al-Jubayl Al-Uqsur Alameda Alamogordo AlbaIulia Albany Albert Albi Aldershot Alencon Ales Alesund AlexanderCity Alexandria Alfortville Algiers Algolsheim Alicante Allenwood Alleur Allston Alma…

Afrique – Pays d’où proviennent les visites (01-08.2010)

The Global Dermatology Information Portal has been visited in the following countries/territories: Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Cape Verde Chad Comoros Congo (DRC and Republic) Cote d’Ivoire Djibouti Egypt Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Ghana Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar Mali Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Morocco Niger Nigeria Rwanda Réunion Sénégal Seychelles South Africa Sudan…

Amérique du Nord et Amérique du Sud – Pays d’où proviennent les visites (01-08.2010)

The Global Dermatology Information Portal has been visited in the following countries/territories: Argentina Bolivia Brazil Canada CaymanIslands Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba DominicanRepublic Ecuador French Guiana Guadeloupe Guatemala Haiti Martinique Mexico Netherlands Antilles Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru PuertoRico SantaLucia SaintPierreetMiquelon United States of America (USA) Venezuela The top 5 countries/territories with the most visitors are:…

Asie – Pays d’où proviennent les visites (01-08.2010)

The Global Dermatology Information Portal has been visited in the following countries/territories: Afghanistan Armenia Bahrain Bangladesh Cambodia China Cyprus Georgia Hong Kong Indonesia India Iran Iraq Israel Japan Kuwait Laos Lebanon Macau Malaysia Myanmar(Birmanie) Nepal Oman Pakistan Philippines Qatar Saudi Arabia Singapore South Korea Sri Lanka Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand Turkey United Arab Emirates  (UAE)…

La lèpre (maladie de Hansen) – Complications (Pour les professionnels)

The importance of leprosy lies in its ability to cause permanent disabilities from damage to nerves and eyes. Nerve damage can be due to granulomatous lesions that result in fibrosis, during reactions when severe inflammation results in nerve destruction and from ischaemia caused by pressure on the vasa nervosa. . The residual nerve deficit that…

La lèpre (maladie de Hansen) – Diagnostic (Pour les professionnels)

Histological examination of the skin lesion and nerve for the typical histological changes and the presence of acid-fast bacilli is required for the definitive diagnosis of leprosy. All cases of leprosy should preferably be confirmed histologically as labeling a person with leprosy carries with it dire social and medical implications. Slit skin smear to detect…