Se protéger du soleil

The sun is our ally because it is an indirect source of vitamin D production and contributes to our psychological well-being. However, the sun is also dangerous and participates actively in the development of skin cancers, melanoma being one example. Accessorily (if it can be said so), it is responsible for accelerated skin aging (wrinkles,…

Traitement de la cellulite

Many products on the market promote effectiveness in the treatment of cellulite. According to us, we do not have knowledge of products which have shown effectiveness by penetrating the skin and dissolving the fibrous attachments (which are responsible for the appearance of cellulite). Creams against cellulite are often marketed by well known brands with wording…

La transpiration

Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland Everybody sweats, women as much as men. Sweating is often perceived as unwanted and this alone explains why deodorants and other anti perspirants are so successful on the market. Some individuals sweat too much and this is called hyperhidrosis: social discomfort is present treatments include application of topicals…