Crèmes anti-solaires (écrans solaires)

Dr Christophe Hsu – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland What are sunscreens used for? Excessive exposure to the ultraviolet, visible and infra-red radiation of the sun can cause sunburn, premature aging and wrinkling, brown pigmentation, hypersensitivity reactions to sunlight and skin cancer. Although your skin has its own natural defence mechanism, it’s not enough to prevent the…

Prise de psoralènes (methoxsalen) par la bouche

Your doctor has prescribed methoxsalen for you. It is also known as meladinine. What is methoxsalen used for? Methoxsalen belongs to a group of medicines called psoralens. Methoxsalen increases your skin’s sensitivity to high intensity long wave ultraviolet light (UVA). It is used together with ultraviolet light in a treatment called PUVA to treat psoriasis…

Psoralènes (médicaments photosensibilisants) en application locale (Methoxsalen) (zones équatoriales uniquement)

Your doctor has just prescribed a topical methoxsalen paint for you. It is also called meladinine. What is topical methoxsalen used for? Methoxsalen belongs to a group of medicines called psoralens. Topical methoxsalen is used on the skin to treat vitiligo or other skin problems as determined by your doctor. It increases the sensitivity of…

Isotrétinoïne par voie orale

Your doctor has prescribed oral isotretinoin for use. What is isotretinoin used for? Isotretinoin is used to treat severe acne that has not responded to other acne medicines. It reduces the oil gland activity and clears inflammation. How should I take isotretinoin? Isotretinoin is available in the form of capsules. Take this medicine as directed…


Your doctor has just prescribed an antihistamine for you. It may be one of the following (list not complete): Sedative antihistamines Buclizine Chlorpheniramine Cyproheptadine Hydroxyzine Mebhydrolin Promethazine Oxatomide Less-Sedative Antihistamines Acrivastine Astemizole Cetirizine Loratadine Terfenadine Levocetirizine Desloratadine What are antihistamines used for? Antihistamines are used to relieve itch, redness and swelling in some skin conditions…

Medicaments antifongiques (contre les champignons(et les levures)) en application locale

Topical antifungal preparations Dr Christophe Hsu – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland If you are prescribed a topical antifungal it may be one of the following (list not complete): Cream / Ointments Ciclopiroxolamine Econazole Miconazole Clotrimazole Ketoconazole Nystatin Terbinafine Liquids Amorolfine Ciclopiroxolamine Econazole Tolciclate Castellani’s Clotrimazole Selenium Sulphide Powders Clotrimazole Miconazole Econazole Tolciclate Pessaries / Vaginal tablets…