Allergie de contact

What is Contact Allergy ? Contact allergy is an allergic skin reaction from coming into contact with a substance that is usually harmless. What are the common manifestations of contact allergy ? The commonest manifestation is an itchy rash that develops over a few days, after skin contact with a substance. The affected area first…


Dr Christophe Hsu – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland Acne Vulgaris What is the cause of acne? There are several causes of acne. One theory is that when the male hormone level (testosterone) increases during puberty, the skin of an acne prone person reacts to the hormone and produces excess sebum. No one knows why some individual’s…

L’épilation au Laser

Why do I have excessive hairs? A. For most people, this is due to genetic or familial factors. There is no underlying medical cause for the excessive hair growth. B. Rarely, excessive hairs maybe due to underlying medical problems. These conditions are associated with hormonal disturbances resulting in extra hair growth. Besides excessive hairs, these…

Traitement des rides/cicatrices par le resurfaçage au Laser

Dr Christophe Hsu – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland What Is Laser Skin Resurfacing? Using a special scanner attached to a carbon dioxide laser, your dermatologist can delicately exfoliate your skin accurately layer by layer. The superficial layer of skin is removed and the deeper layer of skin is exposed. Here collagen is stimulated and a new…

Dr Husain Ali Mahdi

Dr Husain Ali Mahdi Bsc(Honor), MD, CABD Fellowship in Dermatology-Singapore Member in European Society for Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology Consultant Dermatologist Aesthetic Medicine & LASER   Clinic Services Medical and Cosmetic Dermatology LASERs (for multiple indications), Fraxel, ND-Yag Botox and Fillers (Hyaluronic Acid…) Treatment of Skin Disorders (Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Urticaria, Allergies, Vitilgo, Skin infections)…

Traitements des tatouages et des problèmes de pigmentation par le Laser

Q-Switched Nd: YAG Laser The Q-Switched Nd: YAG Laser is a type of laser developed to remove blue, brown, black and possibly other colours of tattoo pigment and certain brown pigment growths and birthmarks from the skin. Although laser sugery is effective in most cases, no guarantee can be made that a specific patient will…

د. حسين علي مهدي

د. حسين علي مهدي استشاري الامراض الجلدية الطب التجميلي والليزر البورد العربي في الأمراض الجلدية الزماله المتقدمه في الأمراض الجلدية-سنغافورة عضو الجمعية الاوربية للتجميل وطب الجلد التجميلي خدمات العيادة علاج الأمراض الجلدية المزمنه (الاكزيما الصدفيه البهاق الارتكاريا التهابات الجلد علاج تساقط الشعر والثعلبه ,والاظافر الثيرماج لشد البشرة وتجديد نضارتها بدون جراحهThermage حقن البوتكس لازالة التجاعيد…