La Rosacée

Dr Christophe Hsu – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland Rosacea A common disorder affecting facial skin. Initially carries both a vascular and an inflammatory component – Inflammatory: Papules, pustules – Vascular: Erythema, telangiectasia, flushing Distribution Symmetrical localization on the face; may be asymmetrical Nose, cheeks, forehead, chin May involve a variety of ocular lesions Etiology Unknown Age…

Le Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a non-contagious chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by rapid growth of the outer skin layer, resulting in thick, silvery flakes of scale on raised pinkish red skin with well-defined margins . Itching is often experienced in hot humid climates. Psoriasis on the elbows How common is it? It is estimated to affect 1-2%…

Allergie au Nickel

Dr Christophe Hsu – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland Who gets nickel allergy? Nickel sensitivity is common affecting around 5% of the population, especially in women. Anyone can become allergic to nickel, but most cases begin during teenage when girls in particular start to wear cheap metal jewellery. Ear piercing often starts up a nickel allergy which…

Le Laser dans le traitement des problèmes cutanés

Dr Christophe HSU – dermatologist. Geneva, Switzerland How is laser used to treat skin disorders? Laser is a very pure and intense light source. When the laser light shines onto the skin, a certain target in the skin absorbs the laser light. Different targets in the skin will absorb laser light of different characteristics. After…


Impetigo What is lmpetigo ? This is an acute superficial infection of the skin caused by bacteria. This infection is common in pre-school children and young adults. What are the signs of Impetigo ? The infection appears as skin blisters which later break down to become superficial sores with golden-yellow “stuck on” crusts on the…